The role of choline in the prevention of conditions such as perosis and liver enlargement in chicks is already well known. Choline was first isolated from ox bile ("chole" in Greek) in 1849. Its nutritional importance has been recognized since 1930 and it is now a common dietary supplement for livestock & poultry. The main function of choline is to act as a lipotropic agent and prevents the abnormal fatty infiltration in the liver (Fatty Liver Syndrome) thus ensures proper metabolism of the body & effective utilization of the nutrients. Moreover, it helps in the formation of an excitatory neurotransmitter-acetyicholine. which is responsible for the proper functioning of the nervous system and maintains its harmony. Choline is referned to as a "Ipotropic" factor due to its function of acting on fat metabolism by hastening removal or decreasing deposition of fat in liver. Choline plays an essential role in fat metabolism in the liver. It prevents abnormal accumulation of fat (fatty livers) by promoting its transport as lipoprotein and lecithin or by increasing the utilization of fatty acids in the liver.

Choline Chloride is a kind of Vitamin, it is the essential component of lecithin and is very important for the nutrition and growth of the animals. The young animals cannot synthesize choline chloride by itself, so they should absorb it through feedstuff.

The main functions of the Choline Chloride are as follows,

  • To prevent the accumulation of fat in livers and kidneys and avoid its pathological changes
  • To enhance the health of animals and to improve its ability to anti-illness
  • To increase the growth rate and laying rate of fowls and to increase the survival rate of baby pig
  • To increase the growth and survival rate of fishes and promote its propagation
  • To ensure the proper functioning of the nervous system of animals